21 | 01 | 2025


elfeELFE (Englisch Lernen Für Englischlehrer/-innen) is a Leonardo da Vinco VETPRO project which addresses participants of a further education course for vocational teachers. The course was installed by the District Administration Münster and provides teachers with the opportunity to obtain the license to teach English in vocational colleges.

Within one year the participants  dealt with content, methods and aims of the subject English as a Foreign Language. After the course the project ELFE offered the chance to learn about England at first hand during a language study travel to Portsmouth. The incultural programme of the project contained the visit of various educational institutions and discussions with their faculty. Thereby the project gave the new English teachers the chance to improve their English and get new perpectives on different European ways of education.

The team of the EU Service Centre for Business and Vocational Training initiates, realises and evaluates national and international EU projects, in particular when Vocational Colleges are strategically or practically involved.


From "coordinator" to "patron"Beratung bei einem Projektmeeting

In the course of its work the team takes on different roles:

In the international area the team is either project coordinator or partner of a foreign coordinator, often in close cooperation with a Vocational College.

The EU Service Center works in widespread project associations as a national partner or supporting organisation of one or more subprojects.

The EU Service Centre becomes the patron for Vocational Colleges in projects, in which vocational schools are only partly involved and need a representation of interests in the execution of the project.

Logo des Projektes E-EoodThe Leonardo da Vinci project  (pilot project) E-WOOD creates learning material for professionals and apprentices in the wood industry. The flexibly usable e-learning modules will find application in vocational training and will allow little or poorly trained employees in particular to obtain certificates according to their abilities and learning speed. Mobility of the learners is increased by compatibility with the Europass.

Partners from Germany, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Belgium and the Czech Republic colaborate in E-WOOD.

Projektlogo CHOCA

The Leonardo da Vinci project CHOCA (pilot project) develops and tests qualification modules for child catering. This will help the training and further education of employees in kindergartens and child catering institutions. Through the expansion of full-time catering institutions the pedagogy of good nutrition and a balanced diet becomes increasingly important.

Partners from Germany, Austria, England, Sweden, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Hungary colaborate in CHOCA.

Logo Mobinardo IIThe "mobinardo"-initiative od the EU Service Center Münster supports vocational colleges and institutions of vaocational further training in conducting transnational internships. "Mobinardo", a Leonardo da Vinco mobilty project, allows young people to experience Europe from a professional training perspective and to mature, develop and learn together with a country and its people. "Mobinardo" is a contribution to the Europeanisation of vocational training.