03 | 05 | 2024


mabisnetlogoThe project MABiS.NeT, funded by the EQUAL programme (project end 2005), supported the integration of prisoners in the labour market. Its means were the development of a network for the aftercare of released inmates. MABiS.NeT ensured apprenticeships or workplaces and assured one of themost important factors for a successful reintegration.

  • Information on MABis.NeT (pdf)
  • The project leaflet can be requested from the EU Service Centre.
  • The project on the Internet: www.mabis-net.de (German, much information material downloadable)

In the framework of the development partnership EQUAL "Perfection work in the Münsterland area" or "Maßarbeit im Münsterland" (project end 2005), the EU Service Centre was in charge of the subprojects WIT - Women in Technology which dealt with the transition from school to job, and DIMIGRA - Modular services for female migrants.


WIT - Women In Technology
Female apprentices are still found in the ten classic apprenticeships for women. Therefore the project aims for the developmentof an innovative and comprehensive vocational education concept which brings women and technichal issues and professions together.

DIMIGRA - Modulare Dienstleistungen für Migrantinnen und andere junge Frauen/Mädchen in Münster
In Münster there are some young female migrants or otherwise disadvatage young women, who have neither an apprenticeship nor a school leaving certificate and thus attend to the Anne Frank School. The chances for a successful transition to apprenticeships or workplaces were improved.
In WIT - DIMIGRA, the EU Service Centre was supported by the Competence Center Women in IT and Technology of the Universtiy of Applied Sciences in Bielefeld and collaborated with various vocational colleges (Ahaus, Borken, Rheine) and the Anne Frank School (Münster).

This subproject from the LEARNING REGIONS programme (project end 2006) offer graduating students, teacher and parents the chance to gather  comprehensive information and advice on different job groups and perspectives. To this end it relied on combining information and advice on vocational training while allowing young people to have afirst personal contact to companies trainign apprentices in the region.

In BiBeR the EU Service Centre collaborated with the Chamber of Trade Münster, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce NRW, public vocational colleges from the Münsterland area and the employment agency Münster.

ffp_logo_rundThe compentencies network Far Forest (project end 2005) was funded by LEONARDO DA VINCI and deicated itself to the integrative creation of international teaching material for wood technology. This sector was chosen because its productin processes are similar throughout Europe.

Partners from Finland, Spain and Germany collaborated in Far Forest.

  • Information on the Far Forest Project (pdf)
  • The German CD with classroom material can be requested from the EU Service Centre.


To improve the employment chancesof (former) prisonders - this was the aim of the development partnership "Future of Education in the Penal System NRW", or "Zukunft der Bildung im Strafvollzug des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen", ZUBILIS (project end 2007), a sub project from the EQUAL programme. It placed its focus on the development of a modern educational offer which is able to adapt to the continuously changing demands of the labour market. The concept is based on a better connection of vocational and general methods. The conceplt comprise e-learning practices which were included in the educational offers in the penal system and tested therein for success. Inmates learn with greater success, wenn learning circumstances, content and methods are catered to the general conditions of a penitentiary. To accomplish this matching, ZUBILIS brought all parties involved into the development partnership.